FAQ e Tutoriais:
Como gerar gráficos com o Office Web Component

O exemplo abaixo mostra como criar vários tipos de gráficos para seus relatórios com o componente OfficeWeb :

if InStr(path,"/") then
end if

Dim catnom(), valor(), caminho

With Server.CreateObject("OWC11.ChartSpace")
set c = .constants
With .charts.add
if .HasTitle then
.Title.Caption = "Frutas Hoje"
.Title.Font.Size = 10
.Title.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
.Title.Font.Bold = True
.Title.Font.Italic = False
.Title.Font.Underline = False
end if

.HasLegend = True
if .HasLegend then
.Legend.Font.Size = 10
.Legend.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
.Legend.Font.Bold = False
.Legend.Font.Italic = False
.Legend.Font.Underline = False
end if

Select Case tipo
Case 1
.Type = c.chChartTypeArea
Case 2
.Type = c.chChartTypeAreaStacked
Case 3
.Type = c.chChartTypeBarClustered
Case 4
.Type = c.chChartTypeBarStacked
Case 5
.Type = c.chChartTypeBubble
Case 6
.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnClustered
Case 7
.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnStacked
Case 8
.Type = c.chChartTypeLine
Case 9
.Type = c.chChartTypeLineMarkers
Case 10
.Type = c.chChartTypeLineStacked
Case 11
.Type = c.chChartTypePie
Case Default
'.Type = c.chChartTypeArea3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeBar3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeColumn3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnStacked3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeCombo
'.Type = c.chChartTypeCombo3D
End Select

ReDim catnom(x), valor(x)

catnom(0) = "Pera"
valor(0) = 80
catnom(1) = "Maça"
valor(1) = 10
catnom(2) = "Uva"
valor(2) = 3
catnom(3) = "Banana"
valor(3) = 2
catnom(4) = "Kiwi"
valor(4) = 3
catnom(5) = "Laranja"
valor(5) = 2

With .seriescollection.add
.caption = "Frutas"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor
End With
End With

.border.color = c.chColorNone

Set arquivo=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
arquivo=arquivo.GetTempname & ".gif"
.ExportPicture Server.MapPath(caminho) &"/"& arquivo, "gif", 200, 200
Response.Write "<img src="""&arquivo&""">"
End With

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

With Server.CreateObject("OWC11.ChartSpace")
set c = .constants

With .charts.add
if .HasTitle then
.Title.Caption = "Frutas"
.Title.Font.Size = 10
.Title.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
.Title.Font.Bold = True
.Title.Font.Italic = False
.Title.Font.Underline = False
end if

.HasLegend = True
if .HasLegend then
.Legend.Font.Size = 10
.Legend.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
.Legend.Font.Bold = False
.Legend.Font.Italic = False
.Legend.Font.Underline = False
.Legend.Position = c.chLegendPositionLeft
end if

Select Case tipo
Case 1
.Type = c.chChartTypeArea
Case 2
.Type = c.chChartTypeAreaStacked
Case 3
.Type = c.chChartTypeBarClustered
Case 4
.Type = c.chChartTypeBarStacked
Case 5
.Type = c.chChartTypeBubble
Case 6
.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnClustered
Case 7
.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnStacked
Case 8
.Type = c.chChartTypeLine
Case 9
.Type = c.chChartTypeLineMarkers
Case 10
.Type = c.chChartTypeLineStacked
Case 11
.Type = c.chChartTypePie
Case Default
'.Type = c.chChartTypeArea3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeBar3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeColumn3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnStacked3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeCombo
'.Type = c.chChartTypeCombo3D
End Select

ReDim catnom(x), valor(x)

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 10
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 20
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 10
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 15

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Pera"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 15
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 10
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 15
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 30

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Maçã"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 40
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 50
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 45
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 90

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Uva"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 11
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 80
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 77
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 86

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Banana"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 2
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 23
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 69
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 81

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Kiwi"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2005"
valor(0) = 14
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 16
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 15
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 14

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Laranja"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

End With

.border.color = c.chColorNone

Set arquivo=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
arquivo=arquivo.GetTempname & ".gif"
.ExportPicture Server.MapPath(caminho) &"/"& arquivo, "gif", 400, 200
Response.Write "<img src="""&arquivo&""">"
End With

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

With Server.CreateObject("OWC11.ChartSpace")
set c = .constants

With .charts.add
if .HasTitle then
.Title.Caption = "Frutas"
.Title.Font.Size = 10
.Title.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
.Title.Font.Bold = True
.Title.Font.Italic = False
.Title.Font.Underline = False
end if

.HasLegend = True
if .HasLegend then
.Legend.Font.Size = 10
.Legend.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
.Legend.Font.Bold = False
.Legend.Font.Italic = False
.Legend.Font.Underline = False
end if

Select Case tipo
Case 1
.Type = c.chChartTypeArea
Case 2
.Type = c.chChartTypeAreaStacked
Case 3
.Type = c.chChartTypeBarClustered
Case 4
.Type = c.chChartTypeBarStacked
Case 5
.Type = c.chChartTypeBubble
Case 6
.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnClustered
Case 7
.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnStacked
Case 8
.Type = c.chChartTypeLine
Case 9
.Type = c.chChartTypeLineMarkers
Case 10
.Type = c.chChartTypeLineStacked
Case 11
.Type = c.chChartTypePie
Case Default
'.Type = c.chChartTypeArea3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeBar3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeColumn3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnStacked3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeCombo
'.Type = c.chChartTypeCombo3D
End Select

ReDim catnom(x), valor(x)

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 10
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 20
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 10
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 15

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Pera"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 15
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 10
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 15
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 30

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Maçã"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 40
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 50
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 45
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 90

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Uva"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 11
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 80
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 77
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 86

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Banana"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 2
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 23
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 69
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 81

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Kiwi"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 14
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 16
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 15
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 14

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Laranja"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

End With

.border.color = c.chColorNone

Set arquivo=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
arquivo=arquivo.GetTempname & ".gif"
.ExportPicture Server.MapPath(caminho) &"/"& arquivo, "gif", 375, 200
Response.Write "<img src="""&arquivo&""">"
End With

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

With Server.CreateObject("OWC11.ChartSpace")
set c = .constants

With .charts.add
if .HasTitle then
.Title.Caption = "Estoque total de Frutas"
.Title.Font.Size = 10
.Title.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
.Title.Font.Bold = True
.Title.Font.Italic = False
.Title.Font.Underline = False
end if

.HasLegend = True
if .HasLegend then
.Legend.Font.Size = 10
.Legend.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
.Legend.Font.Bold = False
.Legend.Font.Italic = False
.Legend.Font.Underline = False
end if

Select Case tipo
Case 1
.Type = c.chChartTypeArea
Case 2
.Type = c.chChartTypeAreaStacked
Case 3
.Type = c.chChartTypeBarClustered
Case 4
.Type = c.chChartTypeBarStacked
Case 5
.Type = c.chChartTypeBubble
Case 6
.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnClustered
Case 7
.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnStacked
Case 8
.Type = c.chChartTypeLine
Case 9
.Type = c.chChartTypeLineMarkers
Case 10
.Type = c.chChartTypeLineStacked
Case 11
.Type = c.chChartTypePie
Case Default
'.Type = c.chChartTypeArea3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeBar3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeColumn3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnStacked3D
'.Type = c.chChartTypeCombo
'.Type = c.chChartTypeCombo3D
End Select

ReDim catnom(x), valor(x)

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 10
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 20
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 10
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 15

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Pera"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 15
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 10
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 15
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 30

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Maçã"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 40
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 50
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 45
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 90

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Uva"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 11
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 80
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 77
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 86

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Banana"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 2
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 23
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 69
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 81

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Kiwi"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

catnom(0) = "31/07/2002"
valor(0) = 14
catnom(1) = "01/08/2002"
valor(1) = 16
catnom(2) = "02/08/2002"
valor(2) = 15
catnom(3) = "03/08/2002"
valor(3) = 14

With .seriescollection.add

.caption = "Laranja"
.setdata c.chdimcategories,c.chdataliteral, catnom
.setdata c.chdimvalues,c.chdataliteral, valor

End With

End With

.border.color = c.chColorNone

Set arquivo=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
arquivo=arquivo.GetTempname & ".gif"
.ExportPicture Server.MapPath(caminho) &"/"& arquivo, "gif", 375, 200
Response.Write "<img src="""&arquivo&""">"
End With